Death and Resurrection (What Hope Do We Have?) | Pastor Ted Wilson


Chief of Sinners.
Video: Seventh-day Adventist Church

Summary of the sermon:

In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson discusses the Christian perspective on death and resurrection. While the loss of a loved one is painful, believers in Christ have the hope of seeing their loved ones again due to the promise of resurrection. According to the Bible, humans are mortal beings and death is an unconscious state or a deep sleep from which a person awaits resurrection (John 11:25; 1 Timothy 6:16; Daniel 12:2). He also discusses the Seventh-day Adventist Fundamental Belief that until the day of resurrection, death is an unconscious state for all people. There is hope that even if we may sleep in death, we can rest assured that Jesus will resurrect us on the final day.

Share with others the comforting hope that death is not the final destination but a temporary place of unconscious rest from which we'll all be awakened when Christ returns to take home all who believe in His saving power.