Right Diet Wrong Attitude | Randy Skeet


Chief of Sinners.
Video: 2CBN TV

Notes from the sermon​

Speaking here, Randy Skeet emphasizes the importance of having the right attitude in life, using the analogy of diet. He suggests that just as a healthy diet is essential for physical well-being, a positive and forgiving attitude is crucial for spiritual health.

Key Points:
  1. God’s Love: God is portrayed as a loving, merciful entity who forgives and forgets our confessed sins. His love for us is the reason we can love Him. God is delighted when people express their love for Him.
  2. Mind of Christ: Adopt the mind of Christ, which values others above oneself and does not hold grudges. Had Christ valued Himself better than us, sinners, He wouldn't have agreed to go to calvary. This mindset is essential for living a life that aligns with the teachings of Christ.
  3. Right Attitude: While diet is essential for proper spirituality, it is equally important to have the right attitude. Some people focus on the dietary habits of others while harboring grudges, suggesting that this is contrary to the teachings of Christ. Emphasis is laid on forgiveness and reconciliation.
  4. Value of Others: Value others so highly that you would be willing to die for them, as this is the way to avoid grudges and conflicts. This principle, if applied, would lead to smoother interactions in various settings, including church boards and business meetings.
  5. Love Your Enemies: Love our enemies and treat everyone with kindness, just as God does. Some of the scriptural texts supporting this principle include Philippians 2:3, which calls for valuing others above oneself, and 1 Corinthians 13:4-5, which describes the attributes of love.
  6. Forgiveness: It would be disastrous to bring new converts into an environment where people do not value each other above themselves and forgiveness is non-existent. Such an environment could make the convert’s condition worse than before they came to faith. The speaker shares a personal anecdote about a woman who struggled to forgive her father, illustrating the power and necessity of forgiveness in our lives.
Every believer should aspire to attain the lifestyle of heaven. In heaven, there are no grudges, implying that believers should strive to live without harboring grudges against others.