Keeping the Sabbath day

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Does anyone really keep the Sabbath day as it says in Exodus 16:29 on the Sabbath day stay in your place don't leave your place so no one can go to church on the Sabbath day as you have to stay in your place of course people will say Jesus healed the blind man on the Sabbath so you can do good on the Sabbath day going to church is good Jesus with his disciples walking through a field picked the crop that was growing in the field so Jesus was harvesting working on the Sabbath day so we must be able to work also on the Sabbath church will have to be held on another day as no one can travel on the Sabbath day it doesn't say in the bible what day to attend the synagogue or church but it can't be on the Sabbath day if you want to live by the law you have to keep all the laws God writes how it is be done not a watered down version of the Law as people are keeping then you are just messing around with God's laws but if the church did keep the Sabbath day law as it says in the Exodus 16 29 many and many people will leave the church people won't give two days to God one the Sabbath and the other day for church
Your group only teaches one command Sabbath what about the other nine never mentioned them. The SDA people I knew he used to lie and steal why doesn't the SDA teach about lieing and stealing because they what people only to stay at their group as no other church does Sabbath now SDA will be judged just like everyone else because of the laws that they didn't keep. What kind of world would it be if everyone didn't lie or what if everyone didn't steal just one of these two law's kept would be a really big change in the world but what if everyone just kept the Sabbath day for one day and then the other six days done what they what to would make no difference in the world at all.
Galatians 2:16 did you not read it are incapable of understanding what it means. SDA is the biggest lying cult only push the Sabbath law as people will have to stay in there religious group what about the other nine laws never mention them I really don't know how anybody can go to the SDA as they can't even understand that there are more laws not just the one they like. If you read the Sabbath law is for one day but the other nine laws are for every day not just a day push the the other law's then the SDA members would know about not to steal not to lie not to commit adultery you your self don't you think it's strange that they don't push the other nine laws? As I said the SDA people I knew he used to lie and steal he didn't seem to care to much about the other law's I never heard them when I went there and on the satellite TV when I watched the SDA stations just the Sabbath law no others just that would tell you that they are a cult to keep people there otherwise they will just go to a proper church.
Your group only teaches one command Sabbath what about the other nine never mentioned them. The SDA people I knew he used to lie and steal why doesn't the SDA teach about lieing and stealing because they what people only to stay at their group as no other church does Sabbath now SDA will be judged just like everyone else because of the laws that they didn't keep. What kind of world would it be if everyone didn't lie or what if everyone didn't steal just one of these two law's kept would be a really big change in the world but what if everyone just kept the Sabbath day for one day and then the other six days done what they what to would make no difference in the world at all.
What our church believes and teaches is published in the public domain...

It isnt a secret, nor does the denomination intentionally aim to hyperfocus on the Sabbath.

Some doctrines become the focus because they are what make us different from other Christian churches. I'll list a few notable ones:

- Solar scriptura
- The Seventh Day Sabbath is a memorial to creation, that we are created by a Mighty and loving Creator who wants to commune with us (it is not merely a doctrine written on tablets of stone, in predates that by thousands of years)
- State of the dead (evil people do "not" go for all eternity to a literal burning hell)
- Christs ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
- Young Earth Creationism (literal 6 day creation and 7th day Sabbath)
- Christ is Michael the Arkangel (JWs also share this doctrine)
- the Mosaic covenant was not done away with at the cross. Even Abraham was saved by his faith, the Old Testament Tabernacle and Sanctuary were always a symbolic ritual that explain how salvation would work (the blood of sheep and goats has never saved anyone).
- the obvious Gift of Prophecy, that Ellen Whites writings were a result of her interraction with God in visions etc. I would just like to highlight that this doctrine, whilst published, has been portrayed in the past in a manner that seems to indicate she is solar scriptura...that is not the position I have been taught. Given my father is a now retired sda minister (who holds a bachelor degree in Theology), the inferences she is taken by the church above or even equal with the Bible in a solar scriptura sense, is false. Yes the church believes her writings are prophetic, i personally do not agree with the way in which the churches published statement about her writings reads and I rarely use her writings for any belief. She provides us with additional illustration to the fundamentals of the Christian church...not the basis for the fundamental beliefs themselves.

- stewardship (paying tithe as Abraham did to Melchizzadek)

- promote a vegetarian diet and we shouldn't drink alcohol
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Show me where from the time of Adam to Moses where it mentions the Sabbath day until Moses came with the ten commandments there's no mention of any law's and when the Sabbath law came it says not to work on the Sabbath day as when Israel were once slaves in Egypt and made to work seven days a week it doesn't say about creation but because they were slaves and that God got them out of Egypt to remember that. God's creation was perfect but man sined and all creation was degraded and not as God made it after Noah's flood creation even was more degraded and is now being degraded as the end time is approaching. So that's why there's no mention of Sabbath day keeping after man sined every thing God made is not as it ment to be. So what the SDA is remembering the fall of man that man sined that God's creation is nothing as it was when God made it to be. If God wanted people to keep the Sabbath day it would be written between the time of Adam to the time of Moses there was nothing to say Sabbath keeping was in that time period and when it is mentioned in the ten commandments it is for Israel not for the Egyptians or any other people as God made a covenant with Abraham not with any other people. Then Jesus came to give salvation to the Jewish people they didn't want it so now the gentiles were offered salvation only though Jesus not by keeping one law that was for remembering that you were slaves in Egypt once. If you teach that Jesus is not enough and keeping the Sabbath day is part of salvation that is anti christ teaching because if Jesus is not enough and you think that keeping one of the Laws is also a way of salvation your sins are not washed away by Jesus blood Galatians 2:16 by keeping the law can not save anybody.if you care to read it in John Chapter 5 Jesus heals the lame man and tells him to pick up he's mat and carry it then in verse 17 Jesus says My father is always at his work even now and so am I so God is always at work to give man salvation from his sins every day and working on the Sabbath doesn't matter he was talking to the Jewish people as the gentiles didn't keep the Sabbath day so he is saying don't worry about Sabbath day as God is right here now. But a religious cult will say here we are the only way to heaven because we keep some law that is for the Jewish people come and join us and we will tell you how to believe that's what all cult's say we know it all.
John 14:6 Jesus is saying he is the only way to God there is no other way. Lots of people get upset at this because most of the world's population is of some fulse beliefs of some groups. So a church that says they are of the Christian faith will make Up something extra as they really don't want Jesus Christ but their own beliefs and ways so it's not enough for a person to want to believe what they want to but now they want to get other people in their make up religious group. Just put a little bit very little bit of Jesus in it so maybe a Catholic or Othordx person will join because they know some of Jesus but now they have them they are going to teach only what the group believes forget about Jesus we here have a sure way to hell in the meantime we will get your money every week so we can spread our beliefs all around the world that's what Jesus says many will come in my name wolf's in sheep's clothing.
Show me where from the time of Adam to Moses where it mentions the Sabbath day until Moses came with the ten commandments there's no mention of any law's and when the Sabbath law came it says not to work on the Sabbath day as when Israel were once slaves in Egypt and made to work seven days a week it doesn't say about creation but because they were slaves and that God got them out of Egypt to remember that. God's creation was perfect but man sined and all creation was degraded and not as God made it after Noah's flood creation even was more degraded and is now being degraded as the end time is approaching. So that's why there's no mention of Sabbath day keeping after man sined every thing God made is not as it ment to be. So what the SDA is remembering the fall of man that man sined that God's creation is nothing as it was when God made it to be. If God wanted people to keep the Sabbath day it would be written between the time of Adam to the time of Moses there was nothing to say Sabbath keeping was in that time period and when it is mentioned in the ten commandments it is for Israel not for the Egyptians or any other people as God made a covenant with Abraham not with any other people. Then Jesus came to give salvation to the Jewish people they didn't want it so now the gentiles were offered salvation only though Jesus not by keeping one law that was for remembering that you were slaves in Egypt once. If you teach that Jesus is not enough and keeping the Sabbath day is part of salvation that is anti christ teaching because if Jesus is not enough and you think that keeping one of the Laws is also a way of salvation your sins are not washed away by Jesus blood Galatians 2:16 by keeping the law can not save anybody.if you care to read it in John Chapter 5 Jesus heals the lame man and tells him to pick up he's mat and carry it then in verse 17 Jesus says My father is always at his work even now and so am I so God is always at work to give man salvation from his sins every day and working on the Sabbath doesn't matter he was talking to the Jewish people as the gentiles didn't keep the Sabbath day so he is saying don't worry about Sabbath day as God is right here now. But a religious cult will say here we are the only way to heaven because we keep some law that is for the Jewish people come and join us and we will tell you how to believe that's what all cult's say we know it all.
You have gone off on a bit of a trek there and completely missed a vital piece of scripture...

Genesis Chapter 1

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis Chapter 2
2 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.
2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. 3Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

Now answer me this question:

If God makes something Holy, exactly what does that suggest to you"

Wouldnt you agree that its special to Him and he made it Holy for an important reason?

Now you have stated above that it was at the time of Moses that the Sabbath commandment was given...and yet Moses tells us in Genesis Chapter 2 that God made the Sabbath Holy 2000 years earlier at the time the world was created!

You have noted in Exxodus 20, the word "remember" is used. However, you have incorrectly claimed that this rememberance refers to "from that day forward" (ie the day Moses gave the 10 commandments). However, given the statement in Genesis Chapter 2, it is very clear that Moses was reminding the Israelites that the Sabbath was an already established institution that they were not keeping...thus it was time they returned to their heritage and kept the Sabbath given to Adam and Eve on the 7th day after the completion of Creation.

I will not delve too deeply into your statement about the fall and here...honestly, that is completely irrelevant and a poor argument. The reason it fails is because the Sabbath pre dates sin...its has nothing to do with sin.

The Sabbath is Holy (sin is not Holy).

You claim we are not required to keep the Sabbath after the fall until the time of Moses is also deficient.

The entire reason why Christ came to die on the cross was to make atonement for the wages of sin! He did not come here to die in order to teach us hows to keep the Sabbath or fulfill its demands. The Sabbath isnt a punishment nor is it an atonement for any kind of wrongdoing. It is purely a day of worship of our creator (it has nothing to do with right and wrong)

Christ himself even made a mockery of the pharasees when they complained about his disciples picking food from the field on the Sabbath. Christ claimed He was Lord of the Sabbath and that is the point.

The pharasees were using the keeping of the Sabbath as some kind of ritual for the forgiveness of sins. The Sabbath is comemoration of our Creator and that we are created, it has nothing to do with atoning for sin!

The reason why keeping the Sabbath is important in salvation is because of two reasons (that i can think of off the top of my head right now)

1. Its specifically in rememberance of our creator and that we are created
2. Created beings such as us humans, choosing to break any of Gods laws (ie the 10 commandments), are intentionally rebelling against his wishes. This is exactly the reason why Lucifer was kicked out of heaven in the first place! Keeping the Sabbath is one of 10 commands...they are all equally important because they are all a reflection of the character of God. This is why the Bible tells us, if we break one commandment, we are guilty of breaking them all! (James 2:10)
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God never commands Adam or Eve to keep the Sabbath only command God gave them is don't eat from one tree in the garden but let's say God did expect them to keep Sabbath it says God walked with them in the garden let's say maybe on the Sabbath. After they ate from the tree that God commanded not to where is the holiness God no longer walked with them and put them out of the garden from that time where is Sabbath day mentioned until Moses. Since that time that man fell in the Eden God has been working to give man salvation from his sins Jesus says in John chapter 5. There would be from the time of Adam to Moses that Abraham Isaac and Jacob or even Noah or someone that kept the Sabbath but nothing. God would of said in that time frame if man was to keep the Sabbath saying God probably did say it but didn't write it down in some of the most important books in the bible this belittling God that's what religious cult's actually do make God as if he doesn't know what he is doing. Groups like yours are a anti christ teaching fulse about the bible you really only think your supposed prophet is higher then Jesus read something from her book instead what Jesus said SDA make up lots of what they teach so they are liers. Jehovah witness Mormons and SDA don't celebrate Christmas not that it's a requirement to as it doesn't say in the bible to but it does say Jesus is the last Prophet but some how SDA has one Mormans have one and Jehovah witness have one or more and they all say only though them you can get to God not what it says in the bible that only though Jesus Christ is the only way to God no stupid religious group can get anyone to God. That's really why SDA is so focus on the Sabbath to take people away from believing in Jesus as Lord and saviour I don't really think that any of the SDA members are saved from their sins they think keeping the Sabbath day is the salvation I have been there and heard it my self when I asked what about Jesus they say yes he is important too but so do the Jehovah witness Mormons say it but they really don't teach much about Jesus. I work five days a week and Saturday I don't go shopping or driving on the road as I have had enough of it for five days on Sunday I go to church so I am really keeping the Sabbath day as it should be kept I stay at home I don't shop I don't do any work as have had enough I am actually better than you or SDA. I should start my own church a real Sabbath keepers Saturday we all stay home and Sunday we go to church or Saturday night we can have church. There are many people who on Saturday or Sunday don't go shopping or driving just stay at home and rest but the SDA have made it their god.
Then also if SDA makes out the Sabbath law is the most important law of all then in Matthew 19: 16-18 a young man came and asked what commands to keep Jesus said six of them but left out the most important law of all according to SDA Sabbath law. It says Jesus is Lord of all King of Kings every will confess Jesus Christ is Lord so if Jesus didn't say the most important law of the Sabbath but did say six other laws that are for every day use and would make the world a better place if these law's where kept what is the SDA on about just want to keep people in the SDA group so have to spend all of their time pushing the Sabbath day law. SDA group is as lost as people who don't believe in God at all they don't push Jesus because SDA is not Christian at all just another religious cult trying to keep people under their control. The more I study SDA beliefs the more I have found out that this is a cult.
The more I study SDA beliefs the more I have found out that this is a cult.
Which SDA beliefs attain cult status exactly? I ask this because all of our beliefs are biblical and we have multiple "cross referenced"passages of scripture for all of them.

Our beliefs are based on two fundamental principles as explained in Revelation 14:12

Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

Again, if you are so keen to prove Adventists are a cult, read Revelation 14:!2 and explain how it is that John wrote this in the A.D 90's (60 years after the time of Christ)!

Do you believe Revelation 14:12?

I mean you agree that John is describing people there who are saved right? That these are the characteristics of those who meet Christ in the air at the Second Coming?

You agree that the wicked who are thrown into the lake of fire in Revelation do not have these qualities John highlights in Revelation 14:12?

Do you seek salvation and eternal life according to that statement by the apostle John?

I am going to just highlight an important theology about the 10 commandments that you clearly are not aware of.

Have you ever catalogued the 10 commandments?

1-3 = love God
5-10 = Love your neighbour

What about the 4th i hear you asking?

commandment 4 is Christ...he joins the love of God with the love of our neighbour (that was what his ministry demonstrated). This is why the Sabbath is a crucial doctrine. You deny the Sabbath, you truly are denying Christ is the key between God and Man.

The weekly Sabbath is all about communion with our Creator.

God set aside 1 day as Holy..the 7th. If you do not believe that, then prove to me from the Bible that He set aside another as Holy on which we may worship him as Exodus 20 reminds us to do.

BTW until you do prove the 7th Day Sabbath has been replaced with a new Holy day...that God gave specific instructions to worship a different day, we have nothing more here to discuss.
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I have already told you that you have a fulse prophet a woman who said many properties that never happened she said statements that are just wrong like if you disregard my writings you also disregard the Bible SDA read from her book like it's the bible and finnish the service with something she said. I also said that SDA don't regard any other church group but the songs they sing in the SDA are written from other people in other churches that SDA does not like anyway. I also said SDA magazine sign's of the times every month put a sports person like a racing car driver or a tennis player or a TV cook on the front cover so people will think they must be SDA members as they are on the front of the magazine. They don't talk much about Jesus but about one law like this one law is really all you need even there is other religious group's that also keep the Sabbath but SDA don't accept them I sent Galatians 2:16 that no one is justified by the law but only by Jesus Christ you can't understand what that means SDA does not regard Jesus as the high priest or King of Kings they just worship Sabbath law. God knew that people like SDA would come about so these scriptures Colossians 2:16-23 Romans 14:1-7 it's about your special day keeping and what you can eat. Read Act's chapter 10 the whole chapter. Of course SDA uses scriptures to prove that they are right all religious cults do that it's all the scriptures they by pass and don't mention that's make them a religious cult when it doesn't mention anyone keeping the Sabbath day from Adam to Moses then it's not there at that time why didn't God put it at least once so how a religious cult will say God doesn't have to but it's so important this law you base your whole salvation on this one law even when Israel were in Egypt for 400 years as slaves why didn't God make it that Egyptians give the Jewish people the Sabbath day off from work like the SDA says it the most important law in the bible religious cults if they want to go to the Pit why do they have to try and take other people with them just go your self.
Evakool, Acts chapter 10 is about taking the gospel to the gentiles...How you extrapolate from that that SDA's are a religious cult???

Gods chosen people in modern day terms are usually defined as "spiritual Israel". Its metaphorical i suppose one might say, however, the principles by which that comparison is made remain largely the same as those to whom God made the promise (ie Abrahams offspring).

Isaiah defines what Gods people should do regarding the Sabbath...its clearly a Holy day set aside to worship our creator

Isaiah 58

13“If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath
and from doing as you please on my holy day,
if you call the Sabbath a delight
and the Lord’s holy day honorable,
and if you honor it by not going your own way
and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,
14then you will find your joy in the Lord

Isaiah 66
This is what the Lord says:

“Heaven is my throne,
and the earth is my footstool.
Where is the house you will build for me?
Where will my resting place be?
2Has not my hand made all these things,
and so they came into being?”
declares the Lord.
22“As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me,” declares the Lord, “so will your name and descendants endure. 23From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me,” says the Lord. 24“And they will go out and look on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; the worms that eat them will not die, the fire that burns them will not be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind.”

Again, your claim about Adventism is false. Instead of following wives tales and continuing to make up nonsense, why dont you just go and read the church fundamentals for yourself. Study them, once you do, then we can talk. Unless you are willing to actually go and do that and come back here and go through questions on each one of those fundamentals, you are simply time wasting.

Below is a short simple video that explains the church

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You and the SDA don't even come close to understandings the bible the new testament is really a mystery to the SDA. It's the way they teach people to keep them in the dark that way SDA can keep them under their control even Jewish people who have become Christian say that the law's will not make you right before God as only Jesus Christ can make any one who accepts him can make a person righteous before God these Jewish people were bought Up since they were little children in the Jewish faith but now they are Christian. But SDA wants to take people back to something they don't understand them selves. I have never met a Jewish person who says that the Sabbath day is being kept the way God intended it to be kept not by a Jewish people or anyone else but SDA think's they can but can't they lie about it and try to support it with scripture but that's what religious groups do using scripture to get people to stay there. You didn't read in in Act's chapter 10 when God showed the unclean animals and said to eat but he said no I have never eaten anything unclean three times he saw the vision to eat the unclean animals I know SDA don't eat pork and crayfish and prawns so what is your ability to work out this verse and what about Colossians 2:16-23 and Romans 14:1-7 didn't you read these versus ?
So far, you have not disputed anything about SDAs with facts. You keep making poorly supported sweeping statements of accusations. When asked a question, you sweep it under the carpet and bring up a new angle to maintain your energy. You want to be the noisiest to keep everyone subdued, tactics of a bully. You have not supported your claims neither have you answered any questions you have been asked.
  1. Why are you angry with SDAs when you are not even one of them?
  2. What is your obsession with cultism? I know correlation is not causation, but out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
  3. What is your faith?
In truth, you don't know what you are talking about, but you are not humble enough to let yourself learn. Take Acts 10 for instance. The incident describes Cornelius' struggle to understand the word of God and his desire to become part of the believers. Peter had a different idea and could not entertain that thought. The lord had to teach him a lesson that he cannot reject someone whom He has accepted. So, in a VISION, he lets peter know this very fact. It has nothing to do with eating unclean foods. God's proclamation on what is to be eaten and what not to be eaten remains unchanged.

Let me juxtapose this a little bit with another teaching from Jesus. In Luke 18:25, Jesus says that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to inherit the Kingdom of God. Using your POV in this case, it would be safe to say that any rich person cannot enter the kingdom of God because it is practically impossible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. What would you say about that?

You mention Colossians 2:16-23 to support your obstinacy. Did you read vs 22 of the same text? Do you understand the context of the full text?

Romans 14:1-7. The egg is on your face, really. There is freedom in the Lord, but that freedom comes within certain constraints. Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden were free to eat any fruit in the garden except from the forbidden tree. They abused their freedom and here we are. God has provided freedom for everyone and also guidelines within which to exercise that freedom. You can choose to contravene but there are consequences just like for Adam and Eve.

Your arguments are off tangent and no longer add value to the original intent of the thread. You have come out as angry, incoherent, uncoordinated and accusatory. Even after being directed on where to address your grievances, you are either too lazy to use those channels or you are just being obstinate. You want to be the last person standing, but you are standing on quicksand while clutching on straws.

Then also if SDA makes out the Sabbath law is the most important law of all then in Matthew 19: 16-18 a young man came and asked what commands to keep Jesus said six of them but left out the most important law of all according to SDA Sabbath law.
You don't speak for the SDA church. Neither do I. The SDA church does not make any law. The law of God is contained in the 10 commandments. The lawgiver is one. No commandment is more important than the other. Anyone who has a problem with the 4th commandment does not want to acknowledge God as the creator because it is the only commandment that points to the authority of God as the creator. It is the only commandment that explicitly demands accountability and attributes due worship as called out in Revelation 14:7.

What kind of world would it be if everyone didn't lie or what if everyone didn't steal just one of these two law's kept would be a really big change in the world but what if everyone just kept the Sabbath day for one day and then the other six days done what they what to would make no difference in the world at all.
SDAs believe in keeping all the 10 commandments, not by own power but by the grace of God.

If you are going to respond to this, please be specific in your responses and stop making sweeping statements. We have nothing more to discuss if you don't respond specifically and answer the questions.
Well I stayed home all day Saturday didn't drive anywhere and Sunday morning went to church didn't stop at a as shop after church and came home and went back to church for the evening service I keep the Sabbath day the right way not a washed down version so I will make it to heaven and because you don't keep it the way it is written you won't get into heaven it's easy to keep the Sabbath no big deal as I said people next door even keep it and don't even believe in God.
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